Conceiving Histories exhibition, Peltz Gallery, London, November 2017

Conceiving Histories exhibition, Peltz Gallery, London, November 2017

In my work the human body stands as a central element. It is the core of human experience and it is inseparable from the struggle to understand and define one self.

It is the pillar around which gravitate and sometime collide essential issues about womanhood, body consciousness, relationships, sexuality, independence, social expectations, and professional accomplishment.

The body is naked or in disguised, open, isolated, fragmented, or multiplied, transformed into the subject of an anatomical study of the mind. With my imagination, I want to open the body like I open a book, trying to find the repressed emotions, to discover the secret pains.

The insides are brought out in a psychological dissection revealing what is usually concealed behind clothes and skin, behind self-restraint. Let free the uneasy obsessions and the little perversions from prejudice and shame.

The creative process is like a journey made to identify the doubts that burden the mind and cry out the words silenced by reason.